Heartwood Haven

Heartwood Haven is located in Washington state, and their mission is to provide sanctuary to abused, neglected, mistreated, and homeless animals, as well as educate the public about the effects of animal agriculture. They have taken in and care for dozens of goats, pigs, roosters, hens, sheep, dogs, cats, and even ducks! Some of these rescued animals are even adoptable for those who want to add a furry friend to their family.
The team at Heartwood Haven envisions creating a powerful sanctuary environment for animals to live while receiving the highest quality veterinary care, love and attention based on their individual needs. This organization has played a huge role in demonstrating what compassion toward all animals looks like, as well as educating the public about veganism and its importance.
Rather than accepting a monetary donation from us, Heartwood Haven has instead requested a product donation of our USDA organic and certified vegan hemp oil drops. Heartwood Haven’s executive director, Kate, told us that they have many animals who regularly use products with CBD for various reasons because their sanctuary houses many animals who either are disabled, have additional special needs, or have cancer. We, of course, are beyond happy to share the hemp love with the animals who are in their care and create awareness around the good work their organization does in the pacific northwest.
If you are interested in learning more about Heartwood Haven, please visit their website at heartwoodhaven.org. Their staff has ample opportunities to get involved through tours, events, volunteering and more!